Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions For Pakmotors.Pk

Honesty is the thing that matter in any business, so it’s essential to tell you about our retail store which you deserve for being a valued member of pakmotors.pk. Here are significant terms and conditions that you must know before purchasing car accessories or products.


Pakmotors has a deep eye to facilitate you with the correct information that is uploaded on the website. We ensure that the uploaded content is up to date and accurate. In case of any handicap experience that you place on this site content, we will not be responsible. But we will improve the mistakes when knowing them.
The product photos and illustrations can match with different templates and the variation on the site may change from time to time.


Pakmotors reserve the right to change their policy or drop any component from the site. It may be the content, availability times, and limit certain features. We are fully capable of changing services or sections without any advance announcement.
We always give importance to our honorable customers and offer budget-friendly products. We can change prices at any time due to changes in the market.

Intellectual Property

Our site has copyright material, registered trademarks, and a certified legal contract including third parties’ intellectual property rights. You can face legal action to use the content, trademarks, and brand name displayed on our site.

Online Purchasing Account

You must provide an accurate delivery address for purchasing online. Your name, phone number, and personal information will lead to completing the order. False detail will be a cause of delay or not delivering the products you ordered.

Placing Order

You are fully allowed to place your orders on the websites, Facebook, Whatsaap, or by calling our customer care numbers. For placing the orders, you can use the cart section on the site, contact on Facebook messenger, message or call on WhatsApp, and live chat with a customer representative.

Delivery and Returns

We have third-party couriers and logistic companies to carry out your order and delivered it on time. Our delivery and return page is created for you to understand the process.

Payment Terms

We have several ways to facilitate you by online payment. Visit our payment policy page to get full detail about it.

Use of Website

Pakmotors reserve all the rights to the process, change, block or redirect any visitor or order placed on the website. This action might be for the safety and fair usage of our website, prevention from spam, or other business survivals.

Contact Us

You can contact us by emailing at info@pakmotors.pk or calling on our hotline/WhatsApp number at +92 (345) 429 2129.